Laurel Sayer, Board Member


Laurel is a conservationist. With that comes a fierce dedication and belief in the power of bringing all stakeholders to the table to tackle difficult issues and find solutions. It also includes recognition that business and the environment must work together. As President and Chief Executive Officer of Perpetua Resources, Laurel’s passion for the environment and her commitment to collaboration pairs with the company’s commitment to environmental restoration and sustainable mining.

Most recently, Laurel worked as the Executive Director of the Idaho Coalition of Land Trusts and served two years on Midas Gold Corporation’s Board of Directors. She also spent more than two decades working on policy matters with Idaho members of the U.S. Congress, Congressman Mike Simpson and Senator Mike Crapo, with an emphasis on natural resource matters.

Like many in Idaho, Laurel enjoys the outdoors, especially camping in the Boulder White Clouds, mountain biking with her husband or floating one of Idaho’s many rivers.